Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 14

I had a pretty uneventful week in my pregnancy this week.
I continue to feel well with no nausea and only occasional heartburn. My love for coffee has returned (couldn't touch it or smell it in 1st trimester), but I drink it in moderation and usually decaf. Side effect? Heartburn, so my body obviously doesn't like it.
I've noticed more ligament pain when I stretch out in bed and sciatic pain when I lay flat or stand in one place for too long, not nice. I brought home a doppler from work and we listen to the baby's heartbeat a couple of times/week. So fun and really reassuring that the little Applet is doing okay.
Shan and I have been able to agree on a few things: baby names, a stroller and the decor for the baby's room. There are other things, however, that will either take time or one of us will have to relent...we shall see.
We had our Ice Cream for Breakfast July 4th event this weekend and it went quite well. Looking forward to next year where our little fire cracker will be with us celebrating but probably not dipping into the ice cream yet!
I'm busy looking into finance changes after the baby, getting paperwork together for leave and figuring out which insurance to put the baby on...all things you don't think about when you dream of being a mommy.
Shan and I keep saying we'll start profile pictures but haven't done it yet. As soon as I do, I'll post as my belly has definitely popped.

All for now, looking forward to feeling the baby move any time!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are already making some big decisions together, I'm impressed! I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better. I had a bunch of the antsy legs & sciatic issues - no fun!! I found it helpful to do a bunch of stretches before bed & once during the day. Craig helped with massage. Extra pillows at night also became my friend as I got further along. Can't wait to see these belly photos!!!! (I found it easiest to remember to take them by doing it the same day/time each week so it becomes routine.)
