Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 8

Well it's been a while since I've posted, but I'm back.
Wow, just read my first 2 posts, and I'm way behind.
So the US moved my due date to none other than Christ's birthday, that's right 12.25.2010 is our due date putting me today at 9 weeks and 1 day. Got a cute little US showing a black triangle with a little white peanut, ie our child!

The last 2 days of my MN trip turned me into the nauseated princess. Bad in the morning, but clearing up by lunch. This has become the routine for me. Up at 5:30, with nausea until about 9:30 when it magically vanishes. Then as my coworker observed, I fill my mouth every 2 hours because I'm STARVING ALL THE TIME! You should see my desk. I have food stashed everywhere from fruit bars, to granola, to peanut butter, to fruit. Anything to satisfy me in between patients.

My body is changing. About 5 years ago I went through Weight Watchers because I was sick of my ongoin weight gain and I lost about 60 lbs and have kept it off for the last 5 years with watching my diet and exercising. So this has been a trip to already notice my belly changing and my hunger be huge. My husband has to midwife me and remind me it's okay to eat a little more during this time...I'm not a very good patient.

I'm much more fatigued, so am sleeping much better at night. I am taking lots of naps and making myself sit more than before. It's been good for me. It's amazing to me how the days can fluctuate. Some days like today, are great with real minimal nausea. But this weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday feeling wiped out and nauseated most of the day. Up and down up and down.

I'm reading Dr. Oz's book called "You having a baby." It's actually really good reading on new research called epigenetics and even pregnancy stuff I didn't know, so thanks Aubs for the book!

Turns out week 9 is when the immune system starts to kick in, the heart is divided into the 4 chambers, fingernails are forming and my baby is the size of a grape. A cute little grape at that.

I have my first midwife appt in 2 weeks where I'm hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat at that appointment. So in the meantime we keep cooking this little bun in the oven and count the days until the nausea lessens.

1 comment:

  1. My Precious Sister-

    I just read through all of your 2010 posts and am crying tears of joy at the excitement and wonder I hear in your words. Praising our Abba for holding you so close to Himself..supporting you and protecting baby Applin as your pregnancy progresses. I am proud of you and happy to see your delight at the adventure you're both on to becoming parents! Love you much, Aubry:)
