Wow it has been a long time since I posted. Sorry all.
Things are moving along swimmingly. I'm feeling more and more movement, am enjoying ongoing tailbone pain and sciatica, but otherwise feeling great! Have walked every morning all summer which has been great but alas, fall is settling in here so it's too dark in the morning to walk and usually raining. So now I'm back to my Jillian Michaels workout video and a sad dog watching me NOT walk her! Oh well. Had an OB appt last week and all is well with baby's growth, my weight etc. My next appt is when I drink the glucola looking for gestastional diabetes but otherwise nothing major. We're enjoying the belly growing adventure and have some new pics for you all to see.
We are building our baby supplies one item at a time. We've moved all the decor off the walls in the baby's room and moved the desk down to the basement. We're madly looking on Craig's list for a crib and a combined shelf/drawers/changing table for our tiny room...wish us luck! We had a nursery theme picked out but it's out of stock at 3 locations so we were blessed with a gift of a full nursery set for FREE From friends. The best part is it's not what we had pictured but both opinionated Shan and Shauna agreed on it!!!
I'm pumped that my grandma and mom are coming for Christmas and my sister is coming for 2 weeks in January! My prayer is that the baby will be here for both visits so all can meet the little girl, but we will have to wait and see.
So the adventure continues and we're getting more and more excited!
Thanks for the update and awesome pictures! So glad you're doing well and feeling good overall:) Keep the updates coming so we can "walk" through your 3rd trimester with you, k? Love you sister! Aubs:)