Sunday, September 26, 2010

27 weeks

Time flies when you're having fun! I swear I just updated this blog, but 3 weeks have gone by...sigh.
All is well in the Applin house and the baby cooking factory. My stomach continues to stretch and amaze me that my body has this capability. My only complaint is my pelvis and the pain I feel in my tailbone and frequent sciatic pain on the right side. Otherwise I am loving this! Can't say I'm having any weird cravings, but have had one dream about the birth. All I remember is she was born in November (so 4-6 weeks early) but don't remember any details of the process.
We've set up the nursery, almost!
We've set up our cloth diaper service. If you don't have this in your area, let me tell you about it, because it's awesome. For a fee, they deliver clean diapers, a diaper bag and a diaper bin on a weekly basis. You set the amount of diapers you want (they have a guide, because like I know!). Then every Tuesday they come and take all the soiled diapers in the bag (yes I don't have to clean them) and replace with new ones. You're actually asked to NOT do anything with them as they use a special washing system and me washing the diapers messes with that. So I'm excited to do the cloth diaper thing but not have to launder...maybe I'll be more brave for baby #2!
There are a few big baby/maternity consignment events coming up this fall, so am excited to go to those. Our only large purchases left are the stroller and a breast pump and we've been watching for used ones on craig's list. If not, we'll spring for full price but would rather not.
We're working on getting our finances in order for when my income drops. We are in the process of refinancing our house and at first were thinking about trading in our jeep for a cheaper car, but think if we put money down, we can refinance the jeep as well, keeping the car we love AND having a lower payment. Who knew so much change would come with a wee one?
This fall will be busy as usual, but maybe that means it will feel faster as I wait these last 3 mos!
The baby is moving a whole lot more. This last week was the first time where the baby moved and I watched my belly move with her kicks. So cool! She moves some throughout the day but especially when I'm sitting or laying in the evenings/night, do I feel so much movement. She feels like she's laying vertically now instead of horizontally but I can't tell as easily on me as I can on my patients. She also responds to pressure. SO if I sit with my arms crossed on my belly, she kicks and asks me to move. Or last night, Shan had his legs over my belly and she continuously kicked right where one leg was to get him out of her space. Hmm, has she already inherited a feisty trait?
I have an OB appt on Tuesday and I'll do my glucola test. This is the test where they screen for diabetes of pregnancy. Hope I'm negativo. Haven't gained much weight but am eating more foods that I usually skip in non-prego Shauna life (including dessert).
That's about it. Next time you hear from me, my 2nd trimester will be complete and 3rd trimester here we come!

Shauna and baby Applet

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

24 weeks

Wow it has been a long time since I posted. Sorry all.
Things are moving along swimmingly. I'm feeling more and more movement, am enjoying ongoing tailbone pain and sciatica, but otherwise feeling great! Have walked every morning all summer which has been great but alas, fall is settling in here so it's too dark in the morning to walk and usually raining. So now I'm back to my Jillian Michaels workout video and a sad dog watching me NOT walk her! Oh well. Had an OB appt last week and all is well with baby's growth, my weight etc. My next appt is when I drink the glucola looking for gestastional diabetes but otherwise nothing major. We're enjoying the belly growing adventure and have some new pics for you all to see.

We are building our baby supplies one item at a time. We've moved all the decor off the walls in the baby's room and moved the desk down to the basement. We're madly looking on Craig's list for a crib and a combined shelf/drawers/changing table for our tiny room...wish us luck! We had a nursery theme picked out but it's out of stock at 3 locations so we were blessed with a gift of a full nursery set for FREE From friends. The best part is it's not what we had pictured but both opinionated Shan and Shauna agreed on it!!!

I'm pumped that my grandma and mom are coming for Christmas and my sister is coming for 2 weeks in January! My prayer is that the baby will be here for both visits so all can meet the little girl, but we will have to wait and see.

So the adventure continues and we're getting more and more excited!